Unconfidence Odours

Vaginal odour is the odour released by your vagina or vaginal discharge. It’s natural and normal for your vagina to have some sort of smell, but certain vaginal odours can signal that something is wrong. A persistent, strong odour may indicate an infection that is interfering with the natural flora and environment of the vagina. Sometimes infections such as bacterial vaginosis can upset the pH balance in the vagina and cause a fishy odour.

It’s easy to keep your vagina clean without smelling like a florist. When the vagina is clean, it secretes a clear white discharge and washing the outside of the vagina with mild, fragrant soap and water can help prevent odour, However, vaginal discharge and bacteria can build up in the vaginal area if not washed regularly, which can worsen the odour over time. The hormonal changes that occur during menopause also can alter the smell of the vaginal area and make it feel dry. The hormonal shifts during menopause can affect the smell and lead to dryness, which can cause a fishy vaginal odour.

Remember to avoid scented soaps, bubble baths and vaginal deodorants that can upset the balance of your vaginal flora. Do not put scented formulas, fragrances or fragrances into your vagina, as the acidity of these products can burn the vaginal mucosa and cause more irritation but you can wash your vulva with a non-irritating, scented soap you can use a product that contains boric acid, an oceanic mineral that has been used for hundreds of years for its acidic, antiviral and antifungal properties. see the product here

If the vaginal odour is strong enough to be noticed, you may have an infection or other problem. If you don’t pay attention to your vaginal odour, you may smell one after another during your period, when you have sexual intercourse, or for various other reasons that produce a normal odour. But if you have a problem with a mushy smell, it can be strong and obstructive and be accompanied by other vaginal symptoms such as burning, irritation, itching and discharge.

If you smell an unpleasant odour and think you have an infection, go to a doctor or clinic. After discovering a fishy vaginal odour, it may be tempting to clean the inside of your vagina and cover it up. If you are concerned about your vaginal odour, consult your doctor to determine if it is caused by an infection.

It is safe and healthy to combat vaginal odour by practising proper hygiene, wearing cotton underwear and by avoiding products that smell good. If you find that your vagina smells or smells, it is best to avoid sexual activity. They can also link yeast infections to certain faeces, as they can cause certain odours.

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